Last updated: 20 December 2021. We've ranked the best corporate tax textbooks available in the UK. No more guessing, and no more wasting serious cash on a flop. Take your pick from the highest rated corporate tax books available in our shortlists and ranking below.
See also: The best tax saving books.
Save money and time with our ranking of the best corporate tax textbooks
All of the corporate tax textbooks featured on this page are beginner friendly unless stated otherwise. With prices ranging from £5 - £60, stocking up on a few of the best corporate tax textbook can deliver the same value as an expensive seminar for only a fraction of the cost. They can even be read for free with Amazon's Kindle Unlimited free trial.
Click on any title below to see the latest price from Amazon, you'll be shocked at how affordable the most popular titles are. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases which helps to support this site. This does not impact how I compile the list. Happy reading!
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The best UK corporate tax textbooks
The most comprehensive and authoritative guides to UK corporation taxThe best guides to introduce beginners to UK Tax
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My Top 3 UK Corporate Tax Books for 2022
Click covers to see latest reviews and prices1. Taxation Policy and Practice - Andy Lymer & Lynne Oats
Financial Expert Rating:
"Fully updated each year with all the latest rule changes (now for 2020/21 tax year), this book continues to provide coverage of the UK's tax system as it has for 27 years.
It is an excellent aid to support a first course in tax, or as a general introduction to the topic.
Written in an accessible style with many examples, activities and questions throughout, this textbook gives the reader a thorough understanding the the UK's taxation principles and practices.
While the UK tax system, becomes ever more complicated and many textbooks and guides reflect this trend in becoming ever more complex too, this book maintains its brevity and clarity - as endorsed by many tax lecturers and teachers right across the UK."
Who this book is for:
For those who want the detail, at #3 is the most widely used UK University tax textbook.
Taxation: Policy and Practice is a standard reference guide for accounting/tax students and professionals who are learning the trade.
What I loved was the inclusion of a companion website which is packed full of extra test questions and real exam questions from previous exams, together with references to further reading.
The ultimate corporate tax reference guide.
Financial Expert Rating:
"This comprehensive and popular annual textbook provides students of UK taxation with a thorough knowledge of: Income tax, Corporation tax, Capital gains tax, Inheritance tax, Value added tax.
The book provides numerous illustrative examples of the practical operation of statute and case law and provides a wide variety of end-of-chapter questions for self learning.
Past exam questions, with solutions, are provided in the text from the ACCA, CIMA and CIOT examinations."
Who this book is for:
Taxation by Alan Combs is aimed at students studying for both University degree programmes incorporating courses in UK taxation and also students studying tax courses for professional qualifications in accounting, banking, management and taxation.
Financial Expert Rating:
"The last several years have seen fundamental changes to the UK tax system. Nearly the entirety of the UK corporation tax and international tax rules have been rewritten by three new statutes – the Corporation Tax Acts 2009 and 2010 and the Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act 2010.
This new book on advanced topics in UK tax law is derived from material previously found in John Tiley's major text on Revenue Law that has been expanded and comprehensively updated to take account of these developments.
The book deals with Corporation Tax, International and European Tax, Savings and Charities, in a manageable and portable volume for law students and practitioners. It complements the material on UK Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, and Inheritance Tax found in Revenue Law, 7th edition."
Who this book is for:
The book is designed for law students taking advanced tax courses in the final year of their law degree course and for graduate students, but is intended to be of interest to all who enjoy tax law.
Its purpose is not only to provide an account of the rules but to include citation of the relevant literature from legal periodicals and some discussion of or reference to the background material in terms of policy, history or other countries' tax systems.
A quick overview of corporate tax in the UK

“...but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
Corporate taxes are those incurred by legally registered corporations. This page specialises in readers looking for the best UK corporate tax books and textbooks.
In the UK, taxes leveed on the corporate profits of companies fall under the corporation tax regime.
Corporates also pay a myriad of other taxes, including:
1) Value Added Tax (VAT) - a tax which effectively takes a percentage of the difference between what a company raises in revenue, versus what it purchases from suppliers. This is approximate to the value added to materials purchased, hence the name. VAT is sometimes known as a Goods & Services Tax (GST) in other countries, but in the UK it's strictly known as VAT. By the way, it's pronounced 'V-A-T' or 'Vat' by professionals - there isn't a clear consensus.
So, how is VAT computed? VAT computation can be complicated. There’s also a possibility that standard rates could change anytime. Thankfully, businesses and professionals may now count VAT using a calculator without dealing with complex formulas. A VAT calculator allows manual entry of the numbers, then it will compute the VAT automatically, making this task stress-free for business owners and customers alike.
2) Payroll taxes - in the UK these are split into three main forms:
A) National insurance - a 'social security' tax.
Employee's National Insurance Contributions are deducted by employers from an employee's pre-tax salary, reducing an employee's take-home pay.
Employer's National Insurance Contributions are charged on top of the payroll payment. It is therefore bourne by the employer.
B) Pay As You Earn (PAYE) - a personal income tax.
PAYE, like employees National Insurance, is deducted from an employee's pre-tax pay, and therefore reduces net pay.
C) Apprenticeship levy - introduced in the 2010 decade, the apprenticeship levy is an unusual tax designed to encourage companies to invest in accredited training for young people.
A levy of 0.5% is charged upon the total employers' payroll cost, this amount is set to once side by the government, and can be drawn down by the company to offset spending on specific training and professional development programmes for apprentices.
The funds follow a 'use it or lose it' approach.
These are the main corporate taxes, although as the best corporate tax textbooks will highlight - there are other more obscure taxes which also raise revenue from companies.
Finding the best corporate tax textbooks

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
Like any textbooks, corporate taxation textbooks are pricey. The average title featured above costs between £40 and £60.
Therefore you'll want to leave nothing to chance when selecting the best corporate tax book for your purposes. It makes sense to look at review pages and rankings like this guide before you buy.
There are two important considerations as you examine an assortment of textbooks on the same general topic – content and author. Make sure to read the synopsis as it will provide you with a glimpse of the content of a textbook. This will ensure you’ll get sufficient information and additional insights about specific topics that you want to learn more about.
The author of the textbook is also a major consideration because you’d want to learn only from highly respected and experienced people in the field. Once you find the best corporate tax textbooks, you’ll have the chance to enhance your knowledge and expertise about the subject matter and be able to apply it in your professional career.
Finding a corporate tax textbook to match your needs
Perhaps you're a finance student looking for additional study materials for further reading on tax?
Maybe you're about to embark upon a career in financial accounting and tax, and wish to read-up on some basic principles in advance of joining an employer.
Or you could be a finance professional who hasn't received any training in tax. After bumping into tax enough times, (and feeling uncomfortable making any conclusions without the assistance of others), you have decided to get a good grounding in tax to increase your comfort zone.
Or you might be a non-financial manager looking for a finance book to help you understand tax basics.
Keep in mind the tips and suggestions above for choosing the best corporate tax textbooks for you. Increase your knowledge and skills by reading the best references written by experienced corporate tax professionals. By doing so, you’ll take your studies to the next level for a brighter future.
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