Last updated: 20 December 2021.
Welcome to my listing of the best investing books for teens. I personally believe that the largest single factor in determining whether a teenager grows up to live a financially comfortable life isn't:
- Their grades in school
- Their chosen career path
- The reputation of their university
After all, you will personally have friends who ticked all these boxes but still found themselves in financial distress for most of their adult lives. Symptoms of this include:
- Never having cash left over at the end of the month
- Taking on credit card debt
- Being dependent on their parents for financial support
- Getting on the property ladder late in life
The single greatest factor which explains this is money management skills.

It's a tragedy that money mindset and investment classes aren't caught in a serious way throughout high school and beyond.
I believe that this leaves teens woefully unprepared for their first payslip.
This usually passes the baton of responsibility for financial education to the family of the teen.
The investing books for teens on this page will help them discover more about how money works, and hopefully awaken a passion in them for saving and investing.
The following books will teach them how to prioritize, for example: spend money on a thesis writing service or write the paper by themselves and keep the money.
The higher they prioritise saving, the more spending conscious and responsible they will be with their first wages (or student loan money).
Investing certainly carries some risk, but young adults are the prime candidates for taking on investment risks. Their entire lives and earnings potential lies ahead of them, so their ability to wait out downturns is excellent. For this reason, teens are better suited for stock market investments than retired adults. Yet so often it's the retirees investing rather than teenagers! Let's change that.
All books featured are beginner friendly and don't assume much prior knowledge. With prices ranging from £5 - £25, stocking up on a few of the best investing books can deliver the same value as an expensive seminar for only a fraction of the cost. They can even be read for free with Amazon's Kindle Unlimited free trial.
Click on any title below to see the latest price from Amazon, you'll be shocked at how affordable the most popular titles are. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases which helps to support this site. This does not impact how I compile the list. Happy reading!
Stock market books for teens
Books about investing in stocks and shares, written exclusively for teenagersDownload all these investing books for teens for free with Kindle Unlimited
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My Top 5 Investing Books for Teens in 2022
Click covers to see latest reviews and prices1. The Early Investor - Michael Zisa
Financial Expert Rating:
"It's BACK!! The book that started the investing revolution for teenagers and young adults!!
The UPDATED version of The Early Investor: How Teens & Young Adults Can Become Wealthy is available again while bringing back all of the easily readable knowledge everyone needs to start investing. The Early Investor provides easy-to-read charts & graphs as well as intriguing, real-life examples of all aspects of investing including:
- The incredible power of compounding when investing
- The importance of creating a spending plan
- Growing your money with stocks and stock dividends
- Opening an investment account (How & Where)
There is even a chapter on how parents can teach their children about saving money and investing as well as how to be financially responsible. The Early Investor has proven to be a fantastic gift to give to young people for any occasion and an easy read for people of all ages."
Perfect for teens because:
A comprehensive guide for those who are serious about immersing themselves in the financial markets.
If you're new to investing, I personally recommend this book as the best resource for understanding:
- How the stock market works
- How companies report their results
- How shareholders fit in to this picture
Most investing books for beginners will focus on the experience of the individual; what do you need to buy, where do you buy it, and how long do you hold it for.
This title flips the equation by revealing the inner workings of the investments themselves. This knowledge will help empower you. As a confidence booster, you can't do better than to fully grasp the technicalities of shares themselves.
Financial Expert Rating:
"The easy way to demystify the intimidating world of investing in the UK market.
Packed with tons of expert advice, Investing For Dummies UK 4th edition shows you step-by-step how to make sound, sensible investment choices whatever your budget.
All the major investment categories are covered for the smart beginner, while more advanced and alternative investments are presented for the more adventurous and experienced."
Perfect for teens because:
This book hasn't amassed a cult following but has an appreciative base of readers regardless.
Where Investing for Dummies excels is in the breadth of topics covered. This is a title which aims to tell you a little about a lot.
As a result, you'll finish this book knowing more about buying shares, weighing up the pros and cons of pensions, as well as being acquainted with the UK tax system for investors.
I personally rate this title highly because (an earlier edition) was a regular reference point for me when I began investing a decade ago.
Financial Expert Rating:
"Discover the money secret understood by virtually every rich person in history. Turn hundreds into millions through the power of compound interest.
How to Own the World shows you that:
- No one is better placed than you to make the most of your money.
- You can do better than many finance professionals.
- Making money from your money is easier than you think.
- It's easier today than ever.
- It's time to start now."
Perfect for teenagers because:
An opinionated and informative title by former US Congressman speech writer and fund manager Andrew Craig.
A title aimed at beginners, yet with plenty to offer to financially literate readers, such as those from professional backgrounds.
If I had a bone to pick, it would be that Andrew advocates a portfolio which could include investing in commodities such as gold bullion. I personally feel that commodities are not safe investments and are only suitable for sophisticated investors.
Financial Expert Rating:
"In this book you will learn:
- How, why and where to invest?
- How to earn money to invest?
- Key terms every investor should know
- How to analyze a stock through the Yahoo Finance portal
- What metrics and techniques Jack uses to look for investments for his own investment portfolio
Note from the author: I've spent the last few months writing this book and detailing the EXACT investment techniques that I personally use. I highly recommend this guide to anyone from the ages of 13-21 who is looking to start or grow their own investment portfolio."
Perfect for teenagers because:
This book is ideal for teenagers because it's about about teenagers, written for teenagers, by teenagers. That's right, lead writer Jack Rosenthal was just 17 when he contributed to this title.
Jack is exceptionally bright young man who the founded the Young Investors Club, a US investment club which has over 100 young members, who jointly discuss investment picks over conference calls. Who better to share his experiences of being a young investor?
Financial Expert Rating:
"Jonathan Self's user-friendly guide demystifies every aspect of money and money management, covering such critical topics as bank accounts, living on a budget, the dangers of credit cards, and how to cope with money at university.
The Teenager's Guide to Money treats what can be the driest and most daunting of topics with the lightest and easiest of touches. Rich in information and advice, but also accessible, easy to follow and entertaining to read, this is a book that parents should ensure finds its way into the hands of every teenager.
In fact, so clear and coherent is the counsel it offers, that it wouldn't be a bad idea if the book was read by parents themselves, just in case they've forgotten its core message that having enough money has very little to do with how much money you earn, and a great deal to do with how well you manage it."
Perfect for teens because:
It's the easy read which has allowed thousands of teenagers to learn about money, saving, borrowing and investing over the last 15 years.
The Teenagers Guide to Money, by Jonathan Self has done what few other money books seem able to do - engage young people with their money.
If you're buying a money guide for a teen as a gift, you want a book that they feel excited to receive and interested to read. That self-motivation will encourage them to read with genuine curiosity and take on as much of the lessons as possible.
Selecting the best UK investing books for teens

"You’ve got to tell your money what to do or it will leave."
Teens have quite different needs when it comes to investing books, so it makes sense to tailor your search to teenagers, rather than looking for the best investing books for adults.
Investing & money books for teenagers counter an unhealthy mindset
First of all, a teen will have a different outlook or attitude to money, to a young adult, in the sense that they will not have enjoyed a regular steady income (beyond a part-time job).
At the same time, they won't have felt the burden of paying for mundane but essential costs like accommodation and groceries.
To the average teenager - money is something received at birthdays and festive times of year, and is for spending on fun things.
Because a teenagers money is spent mainly on fun or frivolous things, like afternoons out with friends, or a fashion purchase, it can lead to an unhealthy attitude - that money is for spending for short term gain.
This is the polar of opposite of what most parents would like to teach their children, or grandparents would like to teach their grandchildren.
The right mindset for teenage investing
The best investing books for teenagers will instil the following concepts:
- Accumulating wealth can open opportunities and provide a more comfortable life
- Spending within your means is the only way to save money
- How to stick to a budget
- How to save or invest any leftover money.
Is it a good idea for teenagers to invest in the stock market?

"You get recessions, you have stock market declines. If you don't understand that's going to happen, then you're not ready, you won't do well in the markets."
There are pros and cons to investing in the stock market - but what about if you're a teenager? Should teenagers invest in risky assets such as stocks and shares?
Here are a summary of the arguments for teenagers investing (under the supervision of parents and with the help of the best investing books for teenagers of course).
Taking financial risks is a useful experience to get under your belt at a young age
Whilst you don't want to encourage unfettered risk taking, this could help avoid an unhealthy fear of money topics.
Buying a house is a financial risk, buying a car is a financial risk. How to invest your pension is a risky choice.
Risks will always surround us as an adult, so like anything else, this is good preparation.
Investing is good practise for making other financial decisions
Making financial decisions, such as when to buy shares and when to sell shares are really challenging - for any investor.
Exposing your teenage child to a small dose of financial market risk at an early age should encourage them to accept and embrace risk rather than ignore or hide from tough financial decisions in the future.
Investing gives teenagers a reason to save
Teenagers know what saving is, and how to do it. What they often lack is a compelling reason to do so.
Investing gives you an opportunity to draw a connection between the saving activities of today, with the wealth of tomorrow. Many teenagers aspire to be rich, but very rarely do they feel so engaged in saving to get there that they change their spending habits.
The young have the highest risk tolerance
In my article on investment time horizon, we warn people not to invest in stocks and shares unless they're prepared to keep their money invested for at least 5, but ideally 10 years.
That's because the stock market does have periodic dips and depressions. To give yourself an excellent chance of being able to weather any negative price movements, until you emerge in profit on the other side, you will want to be confident that you won't need to make any emergency withdrawals.
This gives a natural edge to the young, who have decades and decades ahead of them!
Investing should be supervised
For under 16s, and perhaps under 18s too - investing should be closely supervised by knowledgeable adults.
Teen investing isn't just giving your teen the keys to their college fund and inviting them to speculate as they wish on the stock market!
It's about creating an environment where you can have plenty of conversations with them and help guide them, as well as letting them use what they've learned from their own teen investing book studying. The best investing books for teens are the perfect companion to this process.
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