This page holds our Financial Expert™ Definitions of business jargon and terms. Cut through business jargon with our easy explainer guides.
Each definition page is much more than a business definition. Like the best business books, we provide additional context to help you understand more about how the business definitions below impact businesses.
Beyond the definition, we provide a deeper explanation in plain English and give more context to how the word is used.
We also explore deeper into the topic and link to connected concepts.
This is designed to provide a more rounded experience to help you discover more about accounting, finance & business topics.
Business definitions:
Click on each term below to be taken to our explainer guide.

Other sources of business definitions
Investing courses
Free or premium investing courses are widely available online, often in partnership with prestigious educational institutions or financial instructions.
Investing books
Investing books are a cheap and effective way to add knowledge and expertise on various topics.
You can broaden knowledge of asset classes, such as shares, gold, property, land, bonds.
You can discover new investing strategies (value investing, growth investing, dividend growth investing).
Alternatively, you can professionalise the way you invest, such as building an investment portfolio, reducing investing costs or legally avoiding tax.
Investing books are available online and my best investing books guide also explains how you can access them for free for 30 days with a free trial.