How to Increase the Dividend Yield of Your Portfolio

For British retail investors seeking to enhance the dividend yield of their portfolios, understanding and implementing effective strategies is key. This article will explore various methods to potentially increase dividend yields, ordered by their associated risk levels. It’s important to note that while pursuing higher dividends can be a worthwhile goal, it should be balanced against the overall risk tolerance and investment objectives of the investor.

Asset Allocation: The Foundation for Dividend Growth

The cornerstone of increasing dividend yield lies in effective asset allocation. Allocating a significant portion of your investment portfolio to dividend-producing assets is crucial. Without a substantial investment in dividend-yielding assets, achieving a high dividend yield will be challenging. Stocks that pay regular dividends, dividend-focused mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are typical examples of such assets.

Strategies to Enhance Dividend Yield

Focus on High-Dividend Stocks

One straightforward approach is to invest in companies with a history of paying high dividends. This often includes sectors like utilities, real estate (through Real Estate Investment Trusts, or REITs), and consumer staples. While these stocks can provide higher dividend yields, they also come with sector-specific risks.

Dividend Growth Investing

Investing in companies with a track record of consistently increasing their dividends can be a more dynamic approach. These companies might not have the highest yield today, but their commitment to growing dividends can lead to higher yields over time. This dividend growth investing strategy can involve more research and active management.

Utilising Dividend ETFs and Mutual Funds

For those seeking diversification along with dividend income, dividend ETFs and mutual funds can be a suitable choice. These funds invest in a basket of dividend-paying stocks, providing exposure to a range of companies and sectors. While they offer simplicity and diversification, they also come with management fees.

Investing in International Dividend Stocks

Expanding your horizon to include international dividend stocks can offer higher yields, as some overseas markets have higher average dividend yields than the UK. However, this approach involves additional risks, such as currency risk and geopolitical factors.

Using Leverage

A higher-risk strategy involves using leverage to invest in dividend stocks. While this can amplify returns, it also significantly increases risk, including the potential for losses greater than your initial investment.

Exploring Alternative Investments

For the more experienced investor, alternative investments like private equity can offer attractive dividend yields. However, these typically require a higher minimum investment and carry more significant risks.

Managing Risks in Dividend Investing

While the pursuit of higher dividend yields is appealing, it’s vital to manage the associated risks. Diversification across different sectors, geographies, and asset classes can mitigate some of these risks. Regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio in line with your investment goals and risk tolerance is also essential.

The Role of Professional Advice

For those looking to enhance their dividend investment strategies, consulting with professional UK stockbrokers can provide tailored advice and insights. Additionally, educating oneself through the best investing books can deepen understanding and aid in making informed decisions.


Increasing the dividend yield of your portfolio involves a blend of strategic asset allocation, selection of dividend-paying assets, and an understanding of the associated risks. By carefully considering various options and managing risks, investors can work towards enhancing their portfolio’s dividend yield. As with any investment strategy, it’s crucial to align these approaches with your overall investment goals and risk tolerance.