The annual Financial Expert stockbroker awards were created to recognise outstanding achievement, innovation and growth in the UK stockbroking industry.
The Financial Expert stockbroker awards are judged and awarded via this permanent webpage, which updates each year to show the latest recipients of our awards in each of the categories.
We focus on the UK industry, not least because most of our web visitors are from the UK, but also to counterbalance the volume of US-centric financial media which does not shine a light on the successes here in the United Kingdom.

The Financial Expert Stockbroker Awards celebrate UK fintech and legacy brokerage businesses
About Financial Expert is an online financial journalism company that traces its origins back to 2011, in the wake of the 2008 – 2011 financial crisis. Financial Expert produces content on a variety of investment topics:
- Financial markets theory
- How to invest guides
- Stockbroker reviews
- Reviews of the best books
Learn more about Financial Expert.
The Financial Expert Stockbroker Awards – winners & nominees
Firms are listed as: Winner / Nominated
Best overall stockbroker
eToro – Winner
Hargeaves Lansdown
Interactive Investor
AJ Bell

Best stockbroker for funds
Hargreaves Lansdown – Winner
Barclays Smart Investor
AJ Bell
Interactive Investor

Best stockbroker for share dealing
eToro – Winner
Interactive Investor
AJ Bell

Best stockbroker for low fees
eToro – Winner
Interactive Investor
AJ Bell

Best stockbroker for international trading
eToro – Winner
Interactive Investor
AJ Bell

Best stockbroker for large portfolios (£250k+)
interactive investor – Winner
AJ Bell
Fidelity International
We offer our hearty congratulations to eToro, Hargreaves Lansdown and interactive investor for their wins this year. We have updated our UK stockbroker comparison table to reflect their victories accordingly.
The listings for these firms will now be adorned with a ‘Best overall broker’, ‘Best for funds’ and ‘Best for large pots’ badge respectively. This will draw attention to why we think these providers are best in class.
Nomination and judging process
Nomination is an open process. We regularly re-review the largest and most notable stockbrokers each year, so we keep fully abreast of the changing composition of the leading stockbrokers in the industry. We combine written nomination suggestions with our editorial viewpoint to form a list of nominees for each category.
To refer a firm to us for consideration, simply send us an email with your nominated firm and the reasons for your nomination. There’s no need for a lengthy email, as we’ll perform our own research on the firm.
Who we consider for nomination
To qualify for nomination to ‘UK’ stockbroker categories:
- The firm must be fully authorised to conduct business in the UK.
- Following Brexit, this must take the form of being registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and having adequate FCA permissions to carry on business as a stockbroker. We will not include firms operating through the temporary permissions regime.
To qualify for nomination to the broader ‘stockbroker’ categories:
- The firm must offer a wide selection of publicly traded instruments for sale, which at a minimum should include the shares of major companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange.
- The firm must offer either a general investment account or a stocks & shares ISA to members of the public without other necessary conditions such as being an existing client of the firm for another service.
- Securities can be held in a nominee account or directly in the client’s name
- The firm must be accepting new clients on the date the judging is concluded
To qualify for nomination to the ‘international’ broker categories:
- The firm must offer trading in a wide selection of securities listed on recognised exchanges based outside of the UK. This could include the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Euronext and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- The firm does not need to offer open or close-ended mutual funds domiciled abroad
Inviting nomination suggestions for the next awards
During the course of the year please contact us and propose a stockbroker you believe should be nominated for a category. You’re permitted to suggest your own firm.
The next Financial Expert Stockbroker Awards will be announced at the end of the calendar year.
Stockbroker reviews
If you’d like to learn more about some of the stockbrokers featured above, please explore our detailed online stockbroker reviews:
- eToro Review
- Hargreaves Lansdown review
- interactive investor review
- AJ Bell YouInvest review
- Dodl investing app review
In each review, we look at service functionality, fees & charges, the background of the firm and its wider reputation in the industry. It’s the full picture we’d want to know before investing with a stockbroker!