The Illusion of Foreign Currency as an Asset Class: Why It Falls Short

In the world of investment, diversification is often considered a key strategy to reduce risk and enhance returns. Investors allocate assets across various classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, with the aim of achieving a balanced and profitable portfolio. However, there’s one asset class that often raises eyebrows when touted as a legitimate investment: foreign currency. In this critical examination, we will delve into the notion of foreign currency as an asset class and argue that it shouldn’t be expected to generate high returns due to its fundamental nature as cash. This may conflict with the narrative shared by forex brokers.

Foreign Currency: A Deceptive Asset

Foreign currency, whether it’s US dollars, euros, or any other denomination, is ultimately cash. Unlike traditional asset classes like stocks or bonds, foreign currency doesn’t generate dividends, interest, or earnings. It doesn’t represent ownership in a company or a claim on future cash flows. It’s merely a medium of exchange used for transactions. Viewing foreign currency as an asset class akin to stocks or bonds is misleading.

The Yield Illusion

Some investors are drawn to foreign currency due to the illusion of high yields, especially in times of currency appreciation. When a foreign currency appreciates against the investor’s home currency, it can appear as if they are earning a substantial return. However, this gain is often illusory, as it results from currency valuation changes rather than any actual income or growth in the investment.

The Risk of Currency Fluctuations

Foreign currency is subject to constant fluctuations in value – this is what encourages traders to engage in forex trading. Exchange rates can be influenced by a multitude of factors, including economic data releases, geopolitical events, and central bank policies. These fluctuations can lead to substantial losses for investors, even if they initially held a strong currency. The unpredictability of currency markets adds an additional layer of risk to holding foreign currency as an asset class.

Opportunity Costs

One of the most significant drawbacks of allocating a portion of one’s portfolio to foreign currency is the opportunity cost it entails. While funds are parked in cash or foreign currency, they are not actively invested in potentially higher-yielding assets. Over the long term, this can significantly erode the potential for wealth accumulation.

The Case for Prudent Allocation

While foreign currency may not be a reliable source of high returns, it does have a role in portfolio diversification. Holding a small percentage of assets in cash or foreign currency can provide liquidity for immediate needs and act as a hedge against currency risk. However, prudent allocation is key. Investors should be wary of viewing foreign currency as a stand-alone asset class that can deliver substantial returns.


In conclusion, foreign currency should not be heralded as a high-return asset class within an investment portfolio. It lacks the fundamental characteristics of traditional investments, such as income generation and ownership stakes. While it can serve as a hedge against currency risk and provide liquidity, investors should be cautious about allocating a significant portion of their portfolio to foreign currency. The allure of high yields and the illusion of returns must be recognized as deceptive. Instead, a well-balanced and diversified portfolio should prioritize assets that have the potential to generate real returns over the long term, rather than relying on foreign currency as a source of investment growth.